
About Us

4WINDS its a Portuguese company that has its core-business on Installation, service and maintenance of windturbines all over the world.

On the severall years we have been active we have installed innumereous wind turbines mainly in Africa, Europe and South America amoung few other countries.

We have given training and experience to new technicians and office workers,have also develop the knowlage of technicians that already had a good background experience and helped clients and colleagues on an join commun effort to achieve everyone golds.

With a clear vision that we could do better, 2018 marks a turning point for us, we have reestructured and upgrade ourselfs inside-out, in order to keep up with the demandings of the market.

In 2019 new markets have opened for us and this ensures we are on the right path!


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Tranportation of Wind Parts

Installation Teams

Cable and Electical Teams


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Installed Capacity


Turbines installed

Our Clients